Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass. They enjoy a variety of tasks that include processing with the cross, candle, or thurible, holding the Roman Missal, and preparing the altar. Both young and old are encouraged to participate in this ministry.
Art and Environment members prepare the church’s environment for worship taking special care during the liturgical seasons.
The Flower Ministry members order and prepare the flower arrangements for the weekend Masses and often assist with the Art & Environment at Christmas and Easter.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Body and the Blood of Christ, in the elements of bread and wine, to the faithful.
Our Greeters welcome and greet those who choose to worship with us. Their responsibilities also include taking up the collection(s), distributing bulletins, providing information, and assisting with emergencies, when necessary.
Ministers of Music encourage participation by the congregation in the singing during Mass and enhance the celebratory spirit. Ministers of music take the form of choir members, cantors, and/or instrumentalists.
Ministers of the Word/Readers take special care in preparing the first and second readings during the week so that they can properly and boldly proclaim the word of God at Mass.
Sacristans assist in the preparation and cleaning of sacred vessels and linens before and after their use at Mass.
If you are interested in participating in any of the Liturgical Ministries please call the office at 725-3066. Your name and number will be given to the Liturgy Director and you will be contacted for training.
In the case of the music ministry, please ask for the Music Director.