How to add new content items to the website
These instructions will allow you to add new homilies, events, featured events, announcements, and bulletins to your website so that they will automatically appear in the correct locations on the home page.
How to add Homilies or Rosary Meditations
1. Login to site dashboard
2. Click Post/Add New
3. In post edit window enter Homily or Rosary Meditation Title in Post Title box
4. Place cursor in main content box and click Add Media button.
5. Under the words Insert Media click Upload Files tab.
6. Click Select Files button and navigate to audio file (.m4a file)
7. Select desired .m4a file and click Open button.
8. Once file is uploaded to media library, click Insert into Post.
9. In post edit window your audio file should appear between square brackets.
10. Click checkbox next to Homily or Rosary Meditations in Categories selection box.
11. Enter month and year as post tags.
12. Click blue Publish button.
This should create a new homily post page. A link to the new homily post page should now appear on the “blog” page, and in the “recent homilies” area on the “home” page and on the “view more homilies” page.
How to add an Event or Announcement
1. Login to site dashboard
2. Click Post/Add New
3. In post edit window enter event or announcement title in Post Title box.
4. Place cursor in main content box and add description and details of the item.
5. If a picture is desired click Add Media button.
6. Under the words Insert Media click Upload Files tab.
7. Click Select Files button and navigate to image file (.jpg or . png)
8. Select desired image file and click Open button.
9. Once file is uploaded to media library, click Insert into Post.
10. Click checkbox next to event or announcement in Categories selection box.
11. Enter desired post post tags.
12. Designate a “featured image. “ This image will be displayed on the blog page and the home page next to the post title.
13. Click blue Publish button.
This should create a new event or announcement post page. A link to the new post page should now appear on the “blog” page, and in the “events” or “announcements” area on the “home” page and on the “view more events” page. To designate an event as a “featured” event to display on the left half of the event area on the home page simply click the featured category check box in addition to the event category box.
How to add a Bulletin
1. Login to site dashboard
2. Click Post/Add New
3. In post edit window enter Bulletin Date in Post Title box
4. Place cursor in main content box and click Add Media button.
5. Under the words Insert Media click Upload Files tab.
6. Click Select Files button and navigate to bulletin document file (.pdf file)
7. Select desired .pdf file and click Open button.
8. Once pdf file is uploaded to media library, click Insert into Post.
9. In post edit window a link should appear to your document.
10. You may edit the link text if desired.
11. Click checkbox next to Bulletin in the Categories selection box.
12. Enter month and year as post tags.
13. Click blue Publish button.
This should generate a post containing a link which will open your .pdf bulletin file in the visitors browser. This post should appear in the Bulletins area on the home page, on the blog, and on the View Past Bulletins Page of the website.
How to add a Liturgical Schedule
1. Login to site dashboard
2. Navigate to the Liturgical Schedules Page
3. Place cursor in main content box on the line just above the most recent Liturgical Schedule link .
4. Click Add Media button.
5. Under the words Insert Media click Upload Files tab.
6. Click Select Files button and navigate to desired Liturgical Schedule document file (.pdf file)
7. Select desired .pdf file and click Open button.
8. Once pdf file is uploaded to media library, click Insert into Post button.
9. In post edit window a link should appear to your document.
10. You may edit the link text if desired.
11. Click blue “Update” button.
This will add a link to the latest Liturgical Schedule document to your Liturgical Schedules page. When your visitor clicks on the link the .pdf file will open in the visitors browser.