7 Pillars

Care & Outreach
Care & Outreach Pillar
Karen Foley kfoley@ourladyofgracechurch.com
Pillar Rep-Agnes Trotter
This ministry serves and provides a Christocentric ministry to the grieving families of our faith community and to anyone outside our Parish who seeks consolation, healing, and renewal after the death of their loved ones.
Haitian Prayer
This charismatic group is a group of Christians that gather to worship and have a personal experience of the presence a d the power of the holy spirit . The prayer begins with the rosary, then the worship , gospel of the day, and ending with a discussion about the reading. Meetings are Tuesdays from 7 PM to 9 PM in room 11 and with the last one being online. To participate online, call 720 843 2652 and use code 4312770
Jail/Prisons Ministry
This ministry serves the spiritual needs of the incarcerated. Our ministry helps support the faith-based rehabilitation of inmates during their time behind bars. Prisoners who have a relationship with God are less likely to offend when released.
· Members are the Catholic presence at the Brevard County Jail.
· Members meet weekly with multiple groups of inmates to provide Communion Services, Bible Studies, group conversations and personal reflections.
· Members visit one-on-one with inmates when requested from inmates, inmate families and churches in our community.
Loaves & Fishes
Ministry to the Sick
Ministers to the Sick serve the community, hospitals, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes. Home visits include visits from Ministers to the Sick for the purpose of prayer, community and Eucharist; Priest visits for Sacrament of the Sick & confession, visits from the Ministers to the Sick for Ashes, Special Holidays, etc.
Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is a group of individuals that pray.
· 60 praying members
· List is emailed weekly on Thursdays
· Receive status updates for individuals on the prayer list
Secular Servites are Catholic men and women who share charism of the Servite Order. These individuals are moved by the Holy Spirit and are called to be poor and humble servants like Mary, the Mother and Servants like Mary, the Mother and Servant of the Lord, who gently leads us to her Son Jesus and shows how to love.
Shower Ministry
Spanish Charismatic
Special Needs
This ministry provides opportunities for special needs people to make connections and develop friendships in a supportive spiritual environment.
They were formed August, 2014.
· Host “Friday Friends Nights” to promote fellowship through music, dancing, games, and snacks.
· Began in the quad room and eventually moved to the big hall to accommodate the many attendees.
· Currently welcome between 50-60 attendees each month with some coming from as far north as Titusville and as far south as Vero Beach.
· Additionally provides respite for caregivers and provided an opportunity to connect with other caregivers.
Communications Pillar
Pillar Rep-Rich Caliari
Events/Promo items
French translators
Mass media
Spanish translators
Community Pillar
Roxana Carpio
Pillar Rep-Ashley McGrath
55 & Up
Established in 2005, the vision of the Fifty-Five and Up Ministry is to involve dedicated parishioners aged 55 and older to use their talents to benefit the church community. Many activities are based on practicing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, the tenets of our faith. In addition, we engage guest speakers to address topics which we believe would be of interest to our members.
On-going activities:
· Send get-well cards to the sick, hospitalized, and bereaved members
· New Life Choir designated to sing at funerals
· Annual free Health Fair for members and non-members
· Participation in Taste of Grace
· Monthly meetings September through May (3rd Thursday of month)
· Annual fashion show fundraiser with proceeds benefiting
– The people of Haiti who are suffering from the after effects of the hurricane
– Catholic Charities of Central Florida
– F.T. Degroodt Public Library
– Our Lady of Grace
Coffee & Donuts
Community Events
Craft Guild
Haitian Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Spanish Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Discipleship Pillar
Liz Lubbering
Pillar Rep-Diane Cortese
Office Help
Evangelization Pillar
Theresa Wood
Pillar Rep-Donna Calautti
Annulment Process
Deacon Albert continues to work with both singles and couples who wish to obtain an annulment. The annulment process is frequently misunderstood. We are fortunate to have Deacon Albert take on this work for people who have been divorced and wish to marry once again in the church.
Baptismal Catechumenate
The process for children of catechetical age and adults who wish to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion is an ongoing process at Our Lady of Grace. At this me we have seven young people and six adults meeting regularly. This past Easter, we happily baptized and confirmed one young lady at the Easter Vigil and in July, baptized and confirmed an older gentleman using the Rite for Exceptional Circumstances. Both celebrated their first holy communion at the Mass after their baptism and confirmation. The Catechumenate Team has added new catechists, and they all look forward to the Easter Vigil.
Baptism of Children (infant to 6 years old)
We look forward to implementing a new program called “Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God.” It is a baptismal preparation program designed to provide parents with an incredible encounter with Jesus and the Church. This program will prepare parents for the Baptism of their child and give them the tools they need to raise their child in the Faith. Through this program, parents will enjoy fellowship while learning what it means to be children of God and that in the Church they will always have a place where they belong.
Marriage Preparation
A vast amount of preparation and paperwork takes place for couples who wish to marry in the church. While the wedding celebration lasts a day, it is our hope that the preparation our couples receive here and through our diocese will help their marriage last a lifetime.
RCIA Sponsors
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Pillar
Theresa Wood
Pillar Rep-Trish Hebert
Adult Formation
Bible Studies
Elementary Formation (K-6)
High School Formation (9-12)
Middle School Formation (7-8)
Sacramental Preparation
Vacation Bible School
Worship Pillar
James Sorrell
Pillar Rep-Gail Colantoni
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
Extraordinary Ministers
Haitian Choir
Spanish Choir