Click on “Our Catholic Appeal – Catholic Foundation Central (CFOCF.ORG)”
and make your pledge today:
Our Catholic Appeal – Catholic Foundation Central (
This week’s 2024 Campaign update.
As we enter the second week of the current OCA campaign, we ask all parishioners and visitors to make a pledge. Envelopes are available in the back of the church.
Our assessment this year is $114,805.37.
We, as a parish must pay this, so we rely on your pledges. These funds are used for many projects that benefit our Parish and our Diocese.
Pledges recorded through February 16, 2024, are $12,741.
Currently, there are 1,626 families registered. The pledged amount reflects 2.7% of participation (44 families). As always, our goal is to have more families participate and to reach our assessment by the end of April.
Make your pledge today and thank you at
Together, we can do great things!