The Knights of Columbus Council has kicked off its new fraternal year and there is a busy year ahead. Come on Knights, we need you!
The council will make this year’s events more family-friendly so us men can enjoy serving alongside our wives and children. We will have more events like karaoke night where 90 people attended and many great voices were heard. The nights were able to make $328.85 in profits from this one event. All of our event profits add up to some real help.
For example, the council has raised enough money to purchase at least three ultrasound machines for local pregnancy resource centers. It has been reported by these centers that, when pregnant women come in seeking advice and options, once they see their developing babies on the ultrasound, they are 95% or more, likely to carry their babies to term. Just think of all the abortions that have been averted, just by making these devices available!
This past month, the council donated $1,000 towards the purchase of the new sign for Our Lady of Grace. This sign will be more inviting to those who pass by and may want to come to our Parish.
The council is also donating $1,000 for new chasubles for the priests and dalmatics for the deacons and with the help of its members, the council will grow and keep helping Our Lady of Grace for the joy of all Parishioners and the community.
We can do more! This year, we will hold the annual Trunk-or-Treat event and the very popular Pumpkin Patch, perhaps the biggest fund-raiser where families get together with the community and share a great time.
We need our Knights of Columbus members not only to help during the events but just as importantly beforehand to get the word out to as many as possible.